martes, 28 de junio de 2011

June 27- July 1

video: ethics and values

Express personal values

Personally some of the values ​​as a person I can say that I have are:
Honesty, gratitude, punctuality, honesty, responsibility, generosity, decency, solidarity, respect, loyalty, among others.
Modesty and personal appearance

My opinion about modesty and grooming is
It is very important because thanks to this we can see different cultures from ours like the dress elsewhere.
Personal appearance:
It is very important personal appearance because there demuetra many things like your values ​​and reflects the type of person you are and a very important point is that if you clean or demuetra careful with yourself.

How should men and women dress?

Men and women are free to dress as they like, just that my opinion is that people must properly clothe the place or action that fence to make each person.


lost and found video

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