Monday video report
In the first scene talk about how a department would look painted one color and another and another, then three people are saying and two of them saying the same thing over and over complain about everything.
In the second scene trying to figure out who's wrong or who is concerned with Maria, then try to make her laugh but they fail to give him chocolate and that is how they get it laugh.
In the third scene talk about the personalities who have hacerca people and large families.
Quiz report
in the review we did think it was good and that this serves to reinforce our learning and our knowledge.
The video of allison I think it was an amazing story and video is a great motivation to all people.
This video is for people to realize that anything is possible in this life, as she was hit and was paralyzed from the neck down.
If I were in the same situation would do the same.
Would try to get ahead in spite of all that was preventing me achieve what I want